This old church located near Newellton, La., has come to the end of its road it seems. It looks like a big tree has torn off a big part on the back of the building and now seems to be abandoned. I nearly cry at that thought. It really grieved my heart to see the beautiful pew exposed to the elements in the top photo (click on the photo to enlarge it). The other shots are from the interior of the old church. I especially love the materials used for the pew cushions. It looks like the material that would have been used to make Joseph's coat of many colors. The offering basket and hand fan were sitting on the pews like folks just got up and left the building. The little table is in the rear of the church. I guess they let the children sit back there and color or play quietly while the sermon was going on.
I wonder how many people were saved in this humble place? I said a prayer for the congregation that called this church home. And hope one day it is vibrant once again.
Right there with you, Marty.