Thursday, September 10, 2009

Random photos

Here are some random photos I have taken lately. Enjoy!

An old farm truck. Don't you just love the faded colors of the original paint job and the rust that is overcoming it?

I have been running across old Farmall tractors lately. Weeds were trying to overtake this one.

This piece of equipment runs on a railroad track. It's been sitting on a side track in Louisiana for quite some time.

Sunlight strikes the dust along Warriors Trail the other day.


  1. I love those old fallen warriors, with their bright armor still valiantly showing through the rust of time, and their wounds of battle still unhealed.

    And didn't you want to walk right into that other place behind the shining curtain? It must be even more beautiful there.

  2. It just doesn't get any better than your pictures and Rachel's words, Marty. Absolutely beautiful!
