I took a loop up through Rolling Fork this past weekend and I can't go through there without stopping and updating my photos of the Big Red Barn. These itty-bitty photos don't do justice to this big, big barn, however. It is quite an impressive structure. I have read about the history of this place and it must have been an even more impressive sight in its heyday. The landscape has also changed since I shot it a couple of years ago. The corral and fence that ran along the highway is gone, replaced by soybeans planted right up to the barn. I love the old gas pump out in the field near the barn and wonder how many families lived in the small home that is located on the farmplace. I am surprised that the silos are still standing. They make a person feel mighty small when you stand between them.
I hope this place can be preserved. It is such an important part of Rolling Fork's heritage.
I love barns also and you have really captured this one! Love the silos. At least you are preserving history by putting them on your site...great pictures. :) Thanks for taking the time to see what you see through your camera.
I love barns also and you have really captured this one! Love the silos. At least you are preserving history by putting them on your site...great pictures. :) Thanks for taking the time to see what you see through your camera.