Friday, May 29, 2009

Random shots

The afternoon sun one day last week threw some pretty light on the tombstones of the Vickssburg National Cemetery as I was traveling down Washington Street. Photos 1 and 4 are from that afternoon. I can't identify the pretty little bird sitting on the marker in the second photo. Sure is a beautiful creature, though. The third photo is of a magnolia blossom in the foreground of the Mississippi monument taken on Saturday.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sunset on Dabney Street

Drive to the end of Dabney Street, just off Oak Street, and you can catch this view of the sun setting on the Mississippi River. It's a million-dollar view in my book.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The magnolia blooms were absolutely magnificent this weekend when I drove through the Vicksburg National Cemetery. The bottom two photos were taken during a light rain.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Soldier's Rest

I rode to Soldier's Rest at Cedar Hill Cemetery on Saturday expecting to see American flags placed in front of the graves of the soldiers who reside there for eternity. But, alas, it was not to be. A few had Confederate flags or Mississippi flags, however. I said a prayer for all the soldiers buried there and their mamas.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Vicksburg National Cemetery
God bless America

Friday, May 22, 2009

Poverty Point State Park

On Mother's Day, we don't fight the crowds trying to get into a restaurant. Instead, we have a tradition of packing a picnic lunch and heading off to explore. In the early years, we usually found one of the rare picnic tables available at the Vicksburg National Military Park. This year, however, my wife, Karen, wanted to go to Poverty Point State Park in Delhi, Louisiana. Above are some of the birds — and turtles — we spotted around the vast man-made lake. It's a gorgeous place over there. Black Bear Golf Course is located right next to the lake. I have played golf there many times, but this was the first time I had explored the road around the lake. It was quite impressive with many pretty homes located along its shore. I'll be going back because it is a great place to watch the sun set and rise!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

High water at Vicksburg

The river is certainly rising at Vicksburg. These two photos were taken from the DiamondJacks Casino parking lot last week when the water had just hit the flood stage of 43 feet. The photos were taken just after sunset and the sky threw some wonderful colors on the water. I couldn't decide whether I liked the vertical or horizontal photo better, so I just posted them both! Go by City Front when you get a chance and see for yourself the progression of the floodwater. It's an impressive sight. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pilgrim's Rest M.B. Church

One of my favorite churches in the whole world is Pilgrim's Rest M.B. Church, located alongside the Louisiana levee between Delta and Mound. It's not used very much anymore, but I did stop and worship at the church one time last year. I entered the church when Sunday school was being conducted by a man for his two children and four other people. A special memory, for sure. That's the only time I have ever seen anybody else at the church, for it is in some serious need of some maintenance. I don't think the building can last much longer. It has some beautiful handmade pews in the little church and the choir loft is pictured at the top. The old piano has seen better days, but is still graceful in its own way. I have photographed the interior and exterior of the church for several years now and am honored to have done so.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The first indoor mall in America

According to Wikipedia, did you know that the first indoor mall in America was located in......Tallulah, La.! It is still there on Hwy. 80, but is no longer in use. It's one long hall with stores on each side. The Bailey Theater was attached on one side and what looks like a drug store was on the other. There is some pretty neat artwork on the building, but I don't know whether it is art deco or Aztecan. Kind of got to see it for yourself. These photos were taken last week. And I bet 99 out of 100 people drive by the place and never realize the historical significance of the place. Should be sign or something erected to tell the story, you would think.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The bridges at sunset

OK, I admit it. I'm a River Bridges/Sunset-lovin' junkie. There! I said it. Out loud. And I am not afraid to confess! I can't help myself. It's one of the most beautiful sights I can imagine and hate to miss a single one. These two were taken on two nights last week. I have been experimenting with the couple of trees that can be used in the photos, placing them in the foreground.  And can you tell me which pictures were taken on one day and the others on another? Just look at the flag! It's billowing in two different directions!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Random shots

Here are some random shots taken in the last few days. It includes a little church tucked away on a hill off Stouts Street in Vicksburg. I don't know the name of the church since there is no sign located anywhere identifying it. 
• The scarecrow was doing a fine job in a garden on Sea Island Drive at Eagle Lake. He even waved at me!
• The next two photos of are of the bridge flag taken from both the south and from the north. Thanks to Riverwalk Casino for the beautiful photo-taking site they made for me along the Mighty Mississippi. You can get right next to the river there. And the higher the water gets, the closer you can get!
• The bottom photo is the Buzzard Roost Motel located at Steele Bayou up near Eagle Lake. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mount Olive Baptist Church

This old church located near Newellton, La., has come to the end of its road it seems. It looks like a big tree has torn off a big part on the back of the building and now seems to be abandoned. I nearly cry at that thought. It really grieved my heart to see the beautiful pew exposed to the elements in the top photo (click on the photo to enlarge it). The other shots are from the interior of the old church. I especially love the materials used for the pew cushions. It looks like the material that would have been used to make Joseph's coat of many colors. The offering basket and hand fan were sitting on the pews like folks just got up and left the building. The little table is in the rear of the church. I guess they let the children sit back there and color or play quietly while the sermon was going on.

I wonder how many people were saved in this humble place? I said a prayer for the congregation that called this church home. And hope one day it is vibrant once again.